Letter Sounds
To play with and move pieces online, go on to your desktop or computer. Sort the Sounds - Say the name of the pictures out loud, listen for their first sound, then sort.
Letter Sounds

Addition & Subtraction
Ways to Make
5 & 10
Collect a stick, and 5 or 10 rocks. Place your stick on the ground and drop your group of rocks on top. How many rocks are on one side of the stick? What about the other side? Record your math and write a math sentence.
Ways to Make 10
Ways to Make 5

Making 5 & 10
Watch the videos. On a piece of paper, write numbers 0-5 or 0-10 or print. Using your number strategies, make 5 or 10. Highlight numbers that touch and equal 5 or 10. Write your math.
Click to Enlarge

Making 5
Making 10
Listen to the story: Pete the Cat and the Four Groovy Buttons. Draw Pete’s shirt. Give Pete 5 or 10 buttons. Roll a dice, or use a spinner to see how many buttons pop off. Record your math, and write your math sentence (10-6=4).
Pete the Cat and His 4 Groovy Buttons

Add 1
Subtract 1
Match the 10 frame to the math sentence. Play Add 1 or Subtract 1 by clicking the settings wheel to change the game. If it doesn't match, leave it at the bottom. Beat the timer, or see how fast you can match the pieces!

Add 2
Subtract 2
Match the 10 frame to the math sentence. Play Add 2 or Subtract 2 by clicking the settings wheel to change the game. If it doesn't match, leave it at the bottom. Beat the timer, or see how fast you can match the pieces!

Match the 10 frame to the math sentence. Play Doubles by moving the ten frame onto the math sentence that matches. If it doesn't match, leave it at the bottom. Beat the timer, or see how fast you can match the pieces!

2 of Everything
Watch the story Two of Everything. Put a happy face in the pot, find its double and make a group. Pick the number of happy faces you put in the pot and put it under "in". Pick the number you doubled, and put it under "out"

Two of Everything

Click to Enlarge
Near Doubles
Match the 10 frame to the math sentence. Play Near Doubles by moving the ten frame onto the math sentence that matches. If it doesn't match, leave it at the bottom. Beat the timer, or see how fast you can match the pieces!