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Letter Sounds
To play with and move pieces online, go on to your desktop or computer. Sort the Sounds - Say the name of the pictures out loud, listen for their first sound, then sort.
Letter Sounds

Estimation & Coding
Number Dance
Write numbers 1-6 on pieces of paper. Put them into a triangle on the floor. Create a dance code by writing numbers on a list. Stand in middle of triangle, read list and touch number with your foot. Add some music. what is your dance. Can you follow Mrs .Auncsion and Ms .Brar's dances.
Mrs. Asuncion's Number Dance
Create Numbers to Code
Ms. Brar's Number Dance
Make a balance scale. Weigh different items from your home or outside. What was heavy? What was light? How do you know? How did your scale work? Show your math.
How to Make a Scale - Outside
How to Make a Scale - At Home

Build &
Make a tower, bridge, or building using materials from your home or outside. Draw your structure. What shapes did you notice? How many did you use? Measure your structure.
Ms. Brar's Structure
Examples of Structures
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