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Number Lines

Make a number line with paper, and a marker. Use the number line to count forwards, backwards, groups of things or to find numbers in different rooms. What did you count?

How to Make a Number Line
Count with a Number Line

Counting Collection

Visit your outdoor learning space. Sort flowers and plants into groups. Count the groups, then count everything together. Draw your groups, record your counting. How did you count?

Count the Royal Heights Garden
How to Count and Record a Collection
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Learn Different Ways to Count

Seed Search

What is a seed? Investigate then search for seeds inside and outside your home. Group the same type of seeds together. Make groups by colour, shape, size, or name! Count your groups, record your work. You can always count something different, like leaves.

Seeds Read Aloud
Graphs of Seeds and Leaves
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Create a Graph
How to Graph

One Eagle


Read One Eagle Soaring. Watch how to count in different language. Practice counting in a different language. Create a number story in a different language.

One Eagle Soaring by Roy Henry Vickers
Count in Cree
Count in French
Count in Punjabi

Sky Counting

Set a time for 5 or 10 minutes. Lie down outside, or look out your window. What do you see in the sky? How many? How do you see them? Record your math.

Picture the Sky by Brenda Reid
Record Your Math

Coin Flip

Find a coin, one side is heads and the others is tails. Flip the coin and record if it is heads or tails in a graph. Flip 10 or 20 times. Which one had more? Which one had less?​​

Is it likely or unlikely to be heads?​

Counting Coin Flips

20 Rocks

Gather 20 rocks. How many different, groups can you make that use all the rocks. Are the groups even? Are they small or large? How many combinations can you make? Write how many in each group? Example 10+4+6, 5+5+5+5 ​

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Colour Walk

Let's go search for records and record our math. ​​

1. Look at the picture. What colours do you see? How many did you find that colour.​

2. Now choose 3 colours. Using tallies marks, walk in your neighborhood or backyard. Count and Record how many things you see of that colour. What clolour was the most common?  Show your findings.​

Ms. Brar Counts Colours
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