Letter Sounds
To play with and move pieces online, go on to your desktop or computer. Sort the Sounds - Say the name of the pictures out loud, listen for their first sound, then sort.
Letter Sounds

Write a journal entry about something you did in the past, today, or something you are looking forward to doing. You can also write a pretend story! Scroll down to see more.
Steps to Check my Work

Ms. Brar's Journal
Mrs. Asuncion's Journal
Meet Your
Go to your outdoor space and pick a tree. Draw the tree, give it a name, and write why you chose that name. Save your drawing to use in other activities.
How to Help Build Fine Motor Skills

This is Mrs. Asuncion's tree. The tree is in her backyard. She picked it because it is older than the house she lives in, built by her grandparents! She named her tree Naske after her grandma and grandpa.

This is Ms.Brar's tree. She pick this tree because it makes her happy in all seasons as it changes from her bedroom. She named her tree Seasons.
Thank You
Listen to Thank You Earth Read Aloud. Write a thank you letter to the Earth. Draw a picture. What are you thankful for? E-mail or upload your picture to be part of our class book!
Thank You, Earth
What Are You Thankful For?

We Live Here
Read the story We Live Here with Ms. Brar. Create a mystery message to add to our class book: Who Lives Here? Draw a picture of your home, and 3 things about yourself.
We Live Here

Teach Me
Pick something that you like to do. Teach us the steps to do it through a video, pictures or words.. Go slow and be detailed. Remember to tell the steps in order.
HOW TO: Sew a Curtain

HOW TO: Bake Cookies

Read stories about community helpers and pretend to interview one of them OR ask an adult in your family about their job.
Interview a Firefighter
Our Interviews

Cloud Writing
Pick a cloud in the sky. What does it look like? Write about and draw the cloud. Use these sentence starters: I see… I wonder… I like...
It Looks Like Spilt Milk

Write to the
Write or draw and label a letter to the Royal Heights Cedar Tree, and it will write you back! What kind of questions do you have for the tree? What do you want the tree to know?

Write to us about your favourite activity to do outside. Write to a pretend person who has never done the activity. What is it? How do you do it? Any tips? Why is it your favourite? What do you love about it?

Head outside to a spot you love. Bring a paper and pencil. Sit, listen and fell and focus on breathing. Draw a picture of anything that pops into your mind and write any words you think of. What did you come up with?
It Looks Like Spilt Milk

Watch Ms.Brar Read "The Listening Walk." With a piece of paper and pencil, find a spot to sit and listen. What do you hear. Is it loud or soft? Is it far or near? Where is it coming from? Draw yourself in the middle. Draw it on your map to show where you heard it and what was it?
Know Your
We're Going on a Nature Hunt
Tree Books on Epic!
What are sounds?