Letter Sounds
To play with and move pieces online, go on to your desktop or computer. Sort the Sounds - Say the name of the pictures out loud, listen for their first sound, then sort.
Letter Sounds

Geometry & Measurement
Shape Hunt
Make a shape list. Find shapes around the room. What shapes can you find? Draw them or take pictures! Can you name the shape? How do you know? What characteristics do you notice about these shapes? Can you find them around you?

Shape Talk
Learn about what is living or non-living by watching Mrs. Asuncion or read Living Things. Look for living and non-living things in your outdoor learning space. Put them on a graph and record your math. How many did you find? Are there more living or non-living?
All About Living and Non-Living Things
Living Things by Patricia Amentrout
How to Graph
Graphing Walk
Tall Tower
Mrs. Khakh make a very tall tower! What shape did she make? How many cups did she use?

Bigger or Smaller?
Choose a stick. Find 5 things that are bigger and 5 that are smaller than your stick. Draw what you found. Pick 1 thing bigger than your stick. How many sticks tall is it? Record your math.

How to Measure

Measurement Example
Measure Your
Measure your bed. How tall is it? How long is it? How wide is it?
What did you use to measure? Graph your math. Try another measuring tool. Is it likely to be more or less? Record your math.
How to Measure

2D Shapes
3D Objects
Listen to the Shape Poem. iSpy around your home for 2D Shapes. Look for the shape’s “cousin.” A circle’s cousin is a sphere. A square’s cousin is a cube. Use tally marks to record how many you find.

Click to Make Bigger
Meet the Shapes
Shape Hunt
Art by Alexander
Using your math learning about shapes and lines, become an artist who is inspired by the paintings of Alexander Calder. Create a printing, sculpture, or creation using lines and shapes.

A Line Bends... A Shape Begins
Art Examples
Go outside and find your shadow. Trace and measure you shadow? What did you measure with? How bigger was it? Go back to your shadow, retrace and remeasure your shadow? What did you notice? It is bigger or smaller or the same? Record your findings.