Letter Sounds
To play with and move pieces online, go on to your desktop or computer. Sort the Sounds - Say the name of the pictures out loud, listen for their first sound, then sort.
Letter Sounds
Arts Education
Mud Painting
Watch the read aloud “Mud Puddle.” Make your own mud puddle by adding water to dirt. Try different “brushes” to paint. Can you change the colour? What did you paint?
Making Mud Paint
Mud Puddle by Robert Munsch
Watch “Dandy“ read by Mrs. Khakh. Some see a weed, some see a wish. Dandelion’s are transforming from weeds to wishes. What do you wish them to be? Use them to create a picture.
Mrs. Khakh reads "Dandy"
Dandelion Stages
Outdoor Art
Using anything you'd like, create art work outside!
Steps to make environmentally friendly chalk paint. Add half cup of corn starch and half cup of water, then mix!
Chalk Painting
Red & Yellow
Get inspired! Using materials that are red and yellow what can you make? What do you notice? What you do wonder? Tell us about it!
Material ideas: markers, crayons, flowers, blocks, paint
Listen to "Mix It Up"
Red and Yellow Inspired Art
Sky Colour
Listen to the story Sky Colours. Look outside and watch the sky. What do you notice? What colour was the sky? Was it light? Was it dark?
Create the sky you see.
Sky Colour
Sky Colour Art
Treble Clef
Read the book "Say Zoop!" Follow the steps to draw a treble clef. Create a song, and draw pictures or use small items to record your music!
What does your music sound like?
Say Zoop! Read by Mrs. Asuncion
Draw a Treble Clef
Ms. Brar's Music
Upcycled Art
Read the books "A Box Can be Many Things" and "Beautiful Oops". What can you make with recycled items in your home?