Letter Sounds
To play with and move pieces online, go on to your desktop or computer. Sort the Sounds - Say the name of the pictures out loud, listen for their first sound, then sort.
Letter Sounds

Physical & Health Education
Belly Breathing
Each day we breathe at the beginning of our school day, after recess and lunch. First we get ourselves ready by sitting criss-cross, hands in our laps or on our knees, straight back, chin tilted down slightly. We can close our eyes or look down. We take big breaths in through our nose and out through our mouths.
Chime Breathing
Make sure you are seated comfortably. Press play and listen to the chime, taking deep breaths in. Keep breathing until you cannot hear the chime, then listen to your breaths. Play the chime again after 10-30 seconds to bring your attention back to the room you are in.
Relaxing music to work to, play to, or rest to.
Belly Breath Sesame Street
Mindful Time
Choose a space where you can focus to practice Mindful Time. During mindful time remember to be as quiet and still as possible. Think about how your body is feeling. Practice a calming or breathing strategy. What strategy did you use?
Mindful Time
Belly Breathing
Calming Strategies
Take a deep breath
Count to 10
Find a quiet spot
Drink Water
Go for a walk
Belly Breathe
Belly Breathe with Mrs. Asuncion, Elmo, Colbie Caillat and Common.
Click here for more physical activities
Breathe Like a Bear
Ms. Brar reads the book Breath like a Bear. Ms. Brar is focusing on being calm and present. Ms. Brar practices different breathing strategies as it helps her mind and body feel peaceful and calm.
Click here for more mindful and calming activities.
Flower Breath
Breaths with Brar
Colour Breathing
Candle Breathing
Wake Up Your Face!
You Are a Tree
Bunny Breaths
Bike Safety
Learn all about bike safety with Mrs. Asuncion
Go Noodle
Get moving with Mrs. Asuncion, and guest star - Darren, in some of our favourite Go Noodle activities. Before you begin, make sure you have lots of space and do a quick warm up. Remember to stretch when you're done and drink lots of water!
Go Bananas
Pop See Ko
The Floor is Lava
Lay newspaper or blankets on the ground outside. When someone says: “The floor is lava in 3, 2, 1!” stand on the paper or blanket. Make the paper or blankets smaller each time.