Letter Sounds
To play with and move pieces online, go on to your desktop or computer. Sort the Sounds - Say the name of the pictures out loud, listen for their first sound, then sort.
Letter Sounds

Word Work
Write the Room
Using the examples below, write the alphabet or print. Find words around the room that starting with the same letter.

Making Words
Using the word wall, find tools and materials from outside or inside to make words. What words did you make? How did you make them?
Sight Words
Words We Made
Look at Mrs. Khakh's iSpy picture and list. What did you find? Record your findings.
Add all the numbers. How many? How many blue things? What letters do you see? What do the letters spell?
Mrs. Khakh's iSpy

Ms. Brar Plays iSpy
1 pink bunny
2 hair brushes
3 cars
4 green spheres
5 hearts
6 crayons

Mystery Bag

Read the clues or have a helper read the clues to you. Guess what's in my bag. Write down your answer. These are some of Mrs. Mellenger's favourite things in her house that can fit in a brown paper grocery bag.
It is alive
It has a tail
It starts with the /k/ sound
It rhymes with mat
it is a ....
I drink it
It smells good (to me)
It starts with the /k/ sound
It has 2 syllables
/f/ is a middle sound
it is a ....
It stays on a shelf
You can open it
It starts with a /b/
it has a story
it rhymes with look
it is a ....
I eat it
It is yellow inside
It starts with a /p/
It is 3 syllables (3 claps)
It is a fruit
it is a ....
It is a mammal
it chases mice
it ends with a /t/
it rhymes with hat
it says meow
it is a ....
Sight Word
Using a ten frame, or two, look for word wall words, highlight words and/or write them in your collection. If you find the same word, write it as many times as you can in the same box.
How to Search for Sight Words
Sight Words
Draw items you find in your outdoor learning space that begin with each letter of the alphabet. What makes your alphabet? Which letters were missing?

The Hungry
Watch Mrs. Mellenger’s video. The monster is hungry for things that begin with certain letters. Help her choose what to feed the monster.
The Hungry Monster Beginning Sounds
Build a
Play with and move around the words that Mrs. Mellenger gives you. What silly sentences can you make? Try using the green words together, and yellow together.
Sentence Builder
Can you find the letter/object pairs? What goes missing? Who takes them?
iSpy: Mystery Edition

iSpy Beach
Search the beach for the items listed. What did you find! Create a detailed beach picture and using your KidSpelling label all the things you would find at the beach. Example: water, sand, shovel, shells.
Find the Objects
Make your own beach picture with labels